And so begins….

But not REALLY. I am 38 with 2 kids so it actually began a long time ago and I’ll spare you all the sap; I wanted to get in shape. I wanted to feel good about myself. I wanted to compete. Why not learn now to swim, bike and run?

10 years ago I quit smoking and took off on an adventure; training for a local 5k. I had never had a swim lesson and also hadn’t been on a bike for 15 years. Shit was about to change.

Now the finishers medals from marathons and Ironman events gently stack up. Somehow reminding me how far I’ve come and how I’m capable of so much more.

2019 is something I’m looking forward to. Fat bike races, 70.3 Ironman events, mtn bike races and cyclocross will slowly be picked off my calendar like the petals of a daisy.

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